How to Make Article SEO Friendly: 6 Great Hints to Make You SEO Guru

How to make article SEO friendly: SEO is essential to your website or blog’s success, and it’s not difficult to make your article search engine friendly. Let’s discuss the factors.

How to Make Article SEO Friendly

Google’s search engine algorithms have a variety of criteria to determine whether your content is optimized.

These factors include the:

  • Title of your article,
  • Meta description of your article,
  • Related keywords, and
  • Structure.
  • Optimized website hierarchy

You can also learn the SEO facts you wish you knew before today here.

How to make article SEO friendly

Post title

To write an SEO friendly post title, you should first determine which keywords you want to target. You can do this by using a tool like Google AdKeywords or ahrefs. You can also use a tool like SEMRUSH to find long tail keywords.

Make sure you include the keyword in the title as much as possible.

Using meta descriptions can improve click-through rates and user engagement. A good meta description should be less than 150 characters. Excess characters are ignored by Google in the SERPs.

Keep the meta description as natural as possible; Google gives preference to descriptions that are written for users.

Meta description

Optimising the meta description of your article is one of the best ways to increase its search engine visibility. Your meta description should explain what your article is about and contain your target keywords.

It should be between 155-160 characters long. Google uses the meta description tag to display the relevant information for a search query. Images within your article are also an excellent way to optimize your SEO and readers’ experience.

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You can optimize them in the same way as the title tag and meta keywords.

Internal linking is another way to make your article more SEO-friendly. While you may have to be careful when using internal links, they can help drive users down the funnel.

In addition, you can use tools like Grammarly and Hemingway to check your writing style and correctness.

Related keywords

When creating your content, you want to optimize it for the keywords that your audience is searching for. This includes using long-tail keywords with low search volume, which will help you rank well on Google.

People typically use longer keyword phrases when they are looking for specific information. Fortunately, there are several tools to help you find the right keywords for your content.

One of the best is Quora, which can help you generate keyword variations and discuss industry-related topics. Another tool is Related Searches on Google, which can help you figure out what your customers are looking for.

content, meta description

Using a content analysis tool can help you determine which sentences will stand out. It can also help you choose SEO keywords. Using these keywords can guide you through the writing process, so you can create content that is relevant to the searches of your audience.

After the writing, you can use this article SEO tool to analyze the strength of your article SEO and make necessary adjust to it.

Long-tail keywords

To make your articles more SEO-friendly, you need to use long-tail keywords. These are the phrases that customers are searching for online. You can use the Google Keyword Planner or this article SEO tool to generate ideas.

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Start by entering your seed keyword into the search box. This tool will show you the most common searches on that term, as well as other related search terms. Once you have a list of potential long-tail keywords, add them to your content.

One important thing to know about long-tail keywords is that not all of them are the same. Some are actually unique search queries, while others are variations of the most popular keywords. The best approach is to use a mix of general and long-tail keywords.

Structured articles

Writing SEO-friendly articles begins with keyword research. This process helps you determine which keywords are the most relevant to your website. Choosing the correct keywords will increase the number of visitors to your website.

There are many factors that should be taken into account when choosing primary keywords. Consider how often people are searching for your topic, the competition for these keywords, and how difficult it is to rank for those keywords in organic search.

In addition, you should determine the number of monthly clicks on your primary keywords. This will help you determine whether you should use long-tail keywords to produce more specific content.

The structure of your article can determine how relevant your article is to specific search terms. For example, people who are looking for a cheap MacBook Pro will typically search for a keyword related to that product.

In addition, they are also likely to use keywords related to price and deals. If you have an article that provides detailed information on these topics, you’ll want to be sure to write it to match the type of intent the searcher has.

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How to make article SEO friendly

Optimized website hierarchy

Having a website with a well-organized and optimized site hierarchy is important for your SEO strategy. It not only helps with search engine ranking, but also improves the user experience.

When a user clicks on a link, he needs to easily navigate through the content and reach the goal he wants. A site that follows an organized structure is more likely to perform well than one that is confusing and cluttered.

This can be achieved by using web scraping tools to analyze the structure of competitors’ sites.